
Featured posts
Koshi Chime How do Koshi chimes work?
Prayer Flags India Have you ever wondered why the Koshi Chimes are so special?
Koshi and Zaphir compared Koshi chimes compared to the Zaphir chimes
Koshi colors How do I find out which Koshi I have?
Zaphir Sufi Zaphir and Koshi chimes tunes compared
Why doesn't my wind chime chime Why doesn't my wind chime chime?
Koshi chime Zodiac sign How do I choose a Koshi chime
Lotus Flower colorful Which Color wind chime is best?
Zaphir chimes What do Zaphir chimes sound like
Koshi Wind Chime Stand Flower of Life Premium Koshi Chime Stand Premium for 4 Wind Chimes - Flower of Life
Zaphir Sufi vs  Koshi Aqua Koshi Aqua vs Zaphir Sufi Zaphir Blue Moon
Original Genuine Koshi chime box How do you recognize original Koshi chimes?
Koshi chime string inside Koshi Chime String is Twisted or Tangled
Zaphir Blue Moon & Zaphir Sufi Zaphir Winter & Intermediary Set - Blue Moon & Sufi
waterfall sunrise elements Invoking Koshis Elemental Energies
Sufi chime smuding zen garden Spiritual Meaning of Wind Chimes
waterfall sunrise elements Chinese zodiac signs and their elements
indigenious zodiac sign and dreamcatcher Exploring Native American Totems, Zodiac Signs and Chimes
Bagua with chimes Using Wind Chimes for Feng Shui and Energy Harmonization
Koshi Close Up Why Choose High-Quality Wind Chimes
Music Notes with Zaphir and Koshi chimes We discover the Wind Chimes with Sound and Notes
zaphir chimes with chakra colors We explain the Chakra Colors and how to use the Zaphir Chimes for Chakra Sound Healing
Premium Chime Stand Single Flower of Life with Zaphir  Blue Moon Premium Chime Stand Single Flower of Life
All 4 different Koshis Elements together How many different Koshi Chimes are there?
Wind Chimes With Stand Wind Chimes With Stand
Carillon Instrument Musical Koshi Musical Koshi Chime Instrument
Koshi Aqua with Koshi Aria together Sound Sample Koshi Aqua with Koshi Ignis together - Water and Fire Sound Sample
Koshi Ignis with Koshi Aria together Sound Sample Koshi Ignis with Koshi Aria together - Fire and Air Sound Sample
Koshi Terra with Koshi Ignis together together sound sample Koshi Terra with Koshi Ignis together - Earth and Fire Sound Sample
Koshi sound sample comparison A Comparative Guide to Koshi Chimes with Exclusive Sound Samples
Koshi And Zaphir Chimes Melodies Compared Koshi And Zaphir Chimes Melodies Compared
Koshi Terra Element Earth Meaning And Sound Sample Koshi Terra Element Earth Meaning And Sound Sample
Zenmotion Spin Rotating Chime Stand 5 Chimes Zenmotion Spin Rotating Chime Stand 5 Chimes
How to use the Zaphir Twilight Chime with Instruction How to use the Zaphir Twilight Chime │Meaning and Instruction
Authentic Koshi Chime Made in France The Importance of Choosing Authentic Koshi Chimes Over Imitations
Koshi 4 Chime Set Instruction and Meaning How to use the Koshi 4 Chime Set │Meaning and Instruction
Zaphir Crystalide Chime Spring Zaphir Crystalide Chime Spring│Meaning and Instruction
Zaphir Sufi Chime Intermediary Zaphir Sufi Chime Intermediary│Meaning and Instruction
Zaphir Sunray Chime Summer Zaphir Sunray Season Summer Meaning and Instruction
Original Koshi Chimes 5 Reasons Not To Buy Fake Koshi Chimes
Zaphir Crystalide

Zaphir Crystalide - Springtime is coming

442 view(s)

Spring is a transition as we come from the cold winter towards the warm summer.
Therefore the Zaphir chime which represents Spring - the Crystalide - is a combination of summer and winter.

You will find a mix of tunes from the Blue Moon (Winter) and the Sunray (Summer) here.

Original Koshi Chimes

5 Reasons Not To Buy Fake Koshi Chimes

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Koshi chimes are not just beautiful instruments—they represent craftsmanship, heritage, and respect for nature. These unique sound sculptures have become a symbol of quality and authenticity. However, with their rising popularity, fake versions are beginning to flood the market. Here are five important reasons why you should avoid buying counterfeit "Koshi" chimes. 

While fake Koshi chimes might seem like a tempting bargain, they come with significant ethical, environmental, and quality concerns..

Zaphir Spring & Winter Set

Zaphir Spring & Winter Set - Crystalide & Blue Moon

249 view(s)

Listen to our special sound sample we created just for you. Zaphir Crystalide & Zaphir BlueMoon.

Koshi Aria Chime Element Air

Koshi Aria Chime Element Air│Instruction and Meaning

287 view(s)

The melody of the Koshi Aria Chime, which sounds gentle and floating, reminds of soft breezes blowing through the air. It creates an atmosphere of lightness and simplicity


Zaphir Sunray Chime Summer

Zaphir Sunray Season Summer Meaning and Instruction

167 view(s)

The sound of the Sunray is a lovely companion for mindful exercises and soundhealing due to it's fresh sound. Explore our lovely overview