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Posts tagged 'melody'

Zaphir Twilight Autumn or Fall

2024-10-01 09:32:00

Lets hear the beautiful sound of the Zaphit Twilight. Is it Autumn or Fall? Gaiachimes explains.

Koshi Aqua vs Zaphir Sufi Zaphir Blue Moon

2023-12-08 07:49:00

We compare the Koshi chime and Zaphir chime tunings one to one. Gaiachimes gives you a quick overview which chimes are similar.

Koshi Terra vs Zaphir Twilight

2023-12-08 04:49:00

We compare the Koshi chime and Zaphir chime tunings one to one.
Gaiachimes gives you a quick overview which chimes are similar.

What do Zaphir chimes sound like

2023-01-04 10:12:00

The Zaphir chimes, also known as Shanti chimes, have a quite astonishing sound. We give you the overview.


Zaphir Sufi - Intermediary - The chime that makes the link between seasons

2022-08-31 08:14:00

The Zaphir Sufi represents the link between the seasons (5th season )and fits perfectly to the other Zaphir (Shanti) chimes. We explain why.